我们提出了一种使用条件生成对抗网络(CGANS)在机器人关节空间和潜在空间之间转换的新方法,以进行无碰撞路径计划,该方法仅捕获以障碍物图来捕获关节空间的无碰撞区域。操纵机器人臂时,很方便地生成多个合理的轨迹进行进一步选择。此外,出于安全原因,有必要生成轨迹,以避免与机器人本身或周围环境发生碰撞。在提出的方法中,可以通过将开始和目标状态与此生成的潜在空间中的任意线段连接起来和目标状态来产生各种轨迹。我们的方法提供了此无碰撞潜在空间,此后,任何使用任何优化条件的计划者都可以使用任何计划器来生成最合适的路径。我们通过模拟和实际的UR5E 6-DOF机器人臂成功验证了这种方法。我们确认可以根据优化条件的选择生成不同的轨迹。
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Fisher's criterion is a widely used tool in machine learning for feature selection. For large search spaces, Fisher's criterion can provide a scalable solution to select features. A challenging limitation of Fisher's criterion, however, is that it performs poorly when mean values of class-conditional distributions are close to each other. Motivated by this challenge, we propose an extension of Fisher's criterion to overcome this limitation. The proposed extension utilizes the available heteroscedasticity of class-conditional distributions to distinguish one class from another. Additionally, we describe how our theoretical results can be casted into a neural network framework, and conduct a proof-of-concept experiment to demonstrate the viability of our approach to solve classification problems.
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Text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) is a task to convert texts into speech. Two of the factors that have been driving TTS are the advancements of probabilistic models and latent representation learning. We propose a TTS method based on latent variable conversion using a diffusion probabilistic model and the variational autoencoder (VAE). In our TTS method, we use a waveform model based on VAE, a diffusion model that predicts the distribution of latent variables in the waveform model from texts, and an alignment model that learns alignments between the text and speech latent sequences. Our method integrates diffusion with VAE by modeling both mean and variance parameters with diffusion, where the target distribution is determined by approximation from VAE. This latent variable conversion framework potentially enables us to flexibly incorporate various latent feature extractors. Our experiments show that our method is robust to linguistic labels with poor orthography and alignment errors.
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End-to-end text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) can generate highly natural synthetic speech from raw text. However, rendering the correct pitch accents is still a challenging problem for end-to-end TTS. To tackle the challenge of rendering correct pitch accent in Japanese end-to-end TTS, we adopt PnG~BERT, a self-supervised pretrained model in the character and phoneme domain for TTS. We investigate the effects of features captured by PnG~BERT on Japanese TTS by modifying the fine-tuning condition to determine the conditions helpful inferring pitch accents. We manipulate content of PnG~BERT features from being text-oriented to speech-oriented by changing the number of fine-tuned layers during TTS. In addition, we teach PnG~BERT pitch accent information by fine-tuning with tone prediction as an additional downstream task. Our experimental results show that the features of PnG~BERT captured by pretraining contain information helpful inferring pitch accent, and PnG~BERT outperforms baseline Tacotron on accent correctness in a listening test.
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Computer vision applications have heavily relied on the linear combination of Lambertian diffuse and microfacet specular reflection models for representing reflected radiance, which turns out to be physically incompatible and limited in applicability. In this paper, we derive a novel analytical reflectance model, which we refer to as Fresnel Microfacet BRDF model, that is physically accurate and generalizes to various real-world surfaces. Our key idea is to model the Fresnel reflection and transmission of the surface microgeometry with a collection of oriented mirror facets, both for body and surface reflections. We carefully derive the Fresnel reflection and transmission for each microfacet as well as the light transport between them in the subsurface. This physically-grounded modeling also allows us to express the polarimetric behavior of reflected light in addition to its radiometric behavior. That is, FMBRDF unifies not only body and surface reflections but also light reflection in radiometry and polarization and represents them in a single model. Experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness in accuracy, expressive power, and image-based estimation.
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The detection of earthquakes is a fundamental prerequisite for seismology and contributes to various research areas, such as forecasting earthquakes and understanding the crust/mantle structure. Recent advances in machine learning technologies have enabled the automatic detection of earthquakes from waveform data. In particular, various state-of-the-art deep-learning methods have been applied to this endeavour. In this study, we proposed and tested a novel phase detection method employing deep learning, which is based on a standard convolutional neural network in a new framework. The novelty of the proposed method is its separate explicit learning strategy for global and local representations of waveforms, which enhances its robustness and flexibility. Prior to modelling the proposed method, we identified local representations of the waveform by the multiple clustering of waveforms, in which the data points were optimally partitioned. Based on this result, we considered a global representation and two local representations of the waveform. Subsequently, different phase detection models were trained for each global and local representation. For a new waveform, the overall phase probability was evaluated as a product of the phase probabilities of each model. This additional information on local representations makes the proposed method robust to noise, which is demonstrated by its application to the test data. Furthermore, an application to seismic swarm data demonstrated the robust performance of the proposed method compared with those of other deep learning methods. Finally, in an application to low-frequency earthquakes, we demonstrated the flexibility of the proposed method, which is readily adaptable for the detection of low-frequency earthquakes by retraining only a local model.
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临床文本的自动汇总可以减轻医疗专业人员的负担。 “放电摘要”是摘要的一种有希望的应用,因为它们可以从每日住院记录中产生。我们的初步实验表明,放电摘要中有20-31%的描述与住院记录的内容重叠。但是,目前尚不清楚如何从非结构化来源生成摘要。为了分解医师的摘要过程,本研究旨在确定摘要中的最佳粒度。我们首先定义了具有不同粒度的三种摘要单元,以比较放电摘要生成的性能:整个句子,临床段和条款。我们在这项研究中定义了临床细分,旨在表达最小的医学意义概念。为了获得临床细分,有必要在管道的第一阶段自动拆分文本。因此,我们比较了基于规则的方法和一种机器学习方法,而后者在分裂任务中以0.846的F1得分优于构造者。接下来,我们在日本的多机构国家健康记录上,使用三种类型的单元(基于Rouge-1指标)测量了提取性摘要的准确性。使用整个句子,临床段和条款分别为31.91、36.15和25.18的提取性摘要的测量精度分别为31.91、36.15和25.18。我们发现,临床细分的准确性比句子和条款更高。该结果表明,住院记录的汇总需要比面向句子的处理更精细的粒度。尽管我们仅使用日本健康记录,但可以解释如下:医生从患者记录中提取“具有医学意义的概念”并重新组合它们...
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